Dollar General Retail Center
Property Type: Retail | Property Status: Sold

Property Details
Price: $657,000
CAP Rate:
Square Feet:
Tenancy Type: Mixed
Lease Type: NNN
Location Info
Address: 5880 South Lee Road
City: Maple Heights
State: OH
Zip: 44137
Property Description

Short Description:
Dollar General Center – 9.00% Cap – NNN- 11.69% Return – 100% Occupied
The Cooper Commercial Investment Group of NAI Daus has been exclusively retained by ownership to sell the 100% fee simple interest in this Dollar General Center. The featured strip center offers an investor the opportunity to acquire a well maintained, all masonry block property with 100% occupancy. Triple Net (NNN) leases are in place for all current tenants, with renewal options and annual rental increases for Teresa’ s Pizza. The tenant mix of National, Regional and Local businesses brings a wide array of consumers to the property, which in turn brings heightened activity and business. Both Teresa’ s Pizza and Gangales Bakery have been long-term tenants in the center, since 1991 and 1981 respectively, and have thus gained considerable recognition and establishment in the local community. A suburb of Cleveland, Maple Heights is a 5-square-mile residential and industrial community approximately 10 miles southeast of downtown Cleveland. With nearby access to Interstates 480 and 271, Maple Heights houses a diverse population as well as many up-scale businesses. The city prides itself in their ability to attract the type of people that take great pride in their community’ . Located in Cuyahoga County, Ohio’ s most heavily populated county covering over 458 square miles of northern Ohio, the county averages nearly 3,044 residents per square mile.